
Sunday, 2 November 2014

Update and Photos

Ok guys so first of all i've had a name change. I thought my name wasn't right and people were saying it wrong so now I think people will get it. Ok second, Sims 3. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it because 1. I had too much cc, and 2. It runs smoother now.
Lastly, Sims 4. Since it came out I have been obsessed and can't stop playing it! I have even started downloading cc too! Oh and also there are heaps more videos on my youtube channel as I have been slack and excuse my audio though! Ok this was a small chat but enjoy the sims 3 and 4 pics below!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Late Night!!!!!

OMG YAY!  Finally got late night! so excited to play it!!! enjoy the pictures below!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

My Custom Content

here is my custom content video from youtube!

Birthday Weirdness

What's so good about becoming an Elder????

Sims Next Top Model

Here are some photos from when I made my own sims next top model:

First post

Hey all this is my first post on this page. I've made a few youtube videos and my account name is: TheNdoddo and here is a link to my page:

